International Men's Day

International Men’s Day – November 19, 2023 History, Theme, Significance

International Men’s Day is observed by every nation of the world. This men’s specific day is observed on 19th November. There is an explanatory history of this day. Though this day is not recognized by United Nation but every man of the world feels special on this day. Men have a great contribution in our society, country, culture, development, education, medical, and army/navy and in every place.

Without the achievement of men our society would not have the face you can see now. The International Day simply reminds the world about the sacrifice of men for our world. There are mainly six pillars behind observing this day. The day doesn’t make men special but it reminds our society that men also need care and love.

International Mens Day 2023 is going to be observed with many activities by officials. Most of the countries have already announced this day as a holiday. It is important for the government to give the proper priority to men to compare with women to keep the nation safe and adorable.

When Is International Men’s Day?

November 19 is the day to celebrate International Men’s Day. In 2023, the day is a Saturday. 57 countries have already declared this day a holiday for their citizens.

2022November 19Saturday
2023November 19Sunday
2024November 19Tuesday
2025November 19Wednesday

The Men’s day should be observed as much as the women’s day. All of the offices and educational institutions will be closed on this day. But you will find some financial organizations continuing their work due to much importance. The interesting fact is you can observe this day from any place.

International Men’s Day History

The first concept of the Mens day was adopted in 1960. But it was first officially announced in 1992. Thomas Oaster, a Maltese man, worked for the International Men’s Day announcement. But then, 7th February was being observed Mens Day. At the first years, this day was not so much absorbing among the people.

In 1999, Jeerome Teelucksing fixed 19th November for observing International Men’s day. After then, in 2009, the Malta Government announced organizing the Men’s day on 19 November. Now it is not a national day for any individual country. The people of every country, every nation celebrate Happy men’s Day with happiness and respect for men.

Happy men’s day is compared to International women’s day. It was first noticed when the Soviet Union announced the Women’s day for female workers without promoting a day for the males. Some feminism and unconscious made the women’s day more popular but they did not raise their voice for the men’s day. However, now men are getting their proper respect and love for their sacrifice for the country and the nation.

Thomas Oaster was successful to promote the day in 1993 and 1994. But for the lack of planning and assistance, the day started to lose its popularity. As I have told earlier, Jeerome Teelucksing recovered and re-established the day with proper planning. Since, the day is being observed every year.

Six Pillars of International Men’s Day

The Happy Men’s Day is not celebrated for only one thought. But there are six points to be maintained for the men. Not only government will fulfill these points but also all the citizens have to obey it to confirm men’s right in their society.

  • To promote positive male role models: not just movie stars and sportsmen but everyday, working-class men who are living decent, honest lives.
  • To highlight discrimination against men in areas of social services, social attitudes and expectations, and law.
  • To celebrate men’s positive contributions to society, community, family, marriage, child care, and the environment.
  • To create a safer, better world, where people can be safe and grow to reach their full potential.
  • To improve gender relations and promote gender equality.
  • To focus on men’s health and well being: social, emotional, physical, and spiritual.

Without ensuring these points, you cannot observe the Men’s day. Though there is a right for male and female equality in some points, men are less prioritized. That is not a good sign for the nation. You cannot deny the contribution of men to your society.

Men is the best part of our society. They deserve love and care from us. Many border guards and military sacrifice their lives for the country. Men’s day simply reminds us about the contribution of men in our country.

Why We Should Observe The International Men’s Day?

The main purpose of observing the day is to make a clear idea of men’s value for our country and nation. Our country has been able to come to this place only for the sacrifice. There have been some surveys that show about the men.

  • The average percent of Men who suffer from high cholesterol – is 26%
  • 76% of suicides are caused by men
  • 87% of the rough sleeper is men
  • 73% of the missing persons are men

After seeing this don’t you think men need proper respect from society? The objectives for observing the day is related to these queries.

Many organizations are working to make this day acceptable in all the countries. You will see most of the armies and navies are men who are responsible for saving the country. The observance of International Men’s Day will increase their mental strength. The day does not compete with Women’s day. Instead of this, it is observed to ensure men’s mental and physical requirements.

Happy International Mens Day Quotes

  • The stronger a man is, the more gentle he can afford to be – Elbert Hubbard
  • A real man isn’t a coward, he stands by what he says, admits his faults, and corrects his mistakes – Kiki Strack
  • You seek the heights of manhood when you seek the depths of God – Edwin Louis Cole
  • No man stands as tall as when he stoops to help a child – Abraham Lincoln
  • A man who doesn’t spend time with his family can never be a real man – Marlon Brando
  • A great man is a torch in the darkness, a beacon in superstition’s night, an inspiration and a prophecy.” – Robert Green Ingersoll
  • Being male is a matter of birth. Being a man is a matter of age. But being a gentleman is a matter of choice. – Vin Diesel

Happy International Men’s Day Wishes

A woman obviously should observe the men’s day. Ask me why. Because no woman can lead their life without the contribution of a man. Their father raised them with a huge amount of love. The husband works the whole day to put a smile on her face. A simple wish from a wife can remove his pain.

  • You sacrifice your happiness and life for the welfare of your family and loved ones. Happy International Men’s Day to you
  • Happy International Men’s Day! Men are a beautiful creation of God, but they are not perfect, so it’s normal that they have several errors.
  • The beauty of all men is that each one has a special quality, and it is nice when you discover their true heart. Happy Men’s Day to you
  • A great man is different from an eminent one in that he is ready to be the servant of society. Happy International Men’s Day
  • Respect and love to the men. A real man never gets affected by what others say about him as he is busy doing what is best for his family and loved ones.
  • Happy International Men’s Day! A father nurtures his son to help him start his life, more importantly; he helps him become a man.
  • Just like a tree is known by its fruits, a man is known by his good deeds. Happy Men’s Day
  • Let us celebrate our worth on the International Men’s Day.

Some man work in life-risk under any construction site or other factory. Why do they work there? They continuously work with life-risk to offer a good life for their family members. They try hard to keep their family in good environment.

How to Celebrate International Men’s Day

International Mens Day the short form is IMD is now being more popular day by day. It is a positive sign that people are being aware about their country’s wellness.

  • What is the International Men’s Day 2023 theme?
  • Ans: “Men Leading by Example”.

The day is only about gender equality. On this day, all the men feel special to be a real man. They deserve only one day in the year as how women are treated special on Women’s day. Different types of activities have occurred to celebrate International Men’s Day. First of all, wishes have to be shared on social media. The good thing is government also shows interest in celebrating this day and organizing some rituals.

Join event: There are many events that are organized by different organizations on this day. All the citizens are allowed to join the events. It is a simple way to celebrate this day. You will be able to learn about the contributions of men in these events.

Raise awareness: Your voice should be raise against gender inequality. You might see some people give priority to women more than men in many situations. Society should know the sacrifice of men for his family and for the country. 

Donate: There are many organizations that work for men’s mental and physical health solution. Donate and support them to work more for men. As you are a man, you may also need mental or physical health solution for yourself. It is good to be connected with any organization which works for this.