National Adoption Day

National Adoption Day 2023: 18 November, History, Activities

National Adoption Day 2023 will be celebrated on 18 November. 50 U.S. states including Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia take part in celebration of this day to encourage adoption across the whole country. Every year about 1, 50, 000 foster care children are adopted and they get another chance to live a happy life. Leading a normal but unhappy life, foster care children wait every day to be adopted.

National Adoption Day is important for our society. You see, many children are spending their nights in foster care. What’s their future? Where will they go at last? Will they live in foster care forever? Foster care is a temporary solution for them. Adoption is the solution of all these problems. The adoption day is USA increases awareness and makes people conscious about adoption.

Purple color is the sign of adoption day. Some people wear purple colored ribbon with their dress. The day is celebrated with many official and unofficial arrangements. National adoption day was first observed in 2000. Till then, every year around 300 events are held on this day.

When is National Adoption Day?

In United States America, national adoption day is observed on Saturday before Thanksgiving Day. This year, Thanksgiving Day will be held on 23 November. So, the National Adoption Day will be observed on 18 November.

2021November 20Saturday
2022November 19Saturday
2023November 18Saturday
2024November 23Saturday

Though the day is not a holiday but events are held by many NGOs. Thanks to the American courts for their effort to observe the national adoption day. For the last two year, courts have organized some events on adoption day. Adoption is blessing for the children who has lived in foster care for a long time. The happiness of the child cannot be described in words when he/she is being adopted.

Adoption Day History

Adoption day was first observed in 2000. A coalition of national partners in US founded the national adoption day. That coalition includes Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption, Alliance for Children’s Rights and Children’s Action Network and Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute. Their purpose was to give a better life to 1, 25, 000 children who were being cherished in foster care and hoping to be adopted.

About Adoption Day

In 2000, the coalition inspired 2000 cities to celebrate every adoption. This made a big effort in people’s mind. Thus, they were able to make a positive view for adoption among the general people. It was much needed in USA. The number of fatherless/motherless child was increasing day by day.

But a person helped the most to observe national adoption day. His name is Michael Nash and he is a former presiding judge of Los Angeles County’s Juvenile Court. He opened his court on Saturday before Thanksgiving Day. There he finalized the celebration of adoption. This is how the adoption day was celebrated first.

The interesting fact is about 40 thousands children have been adopted from foster care on Adoption Day. The event of National adoption day is planned by policymakers, advocates and practitioners. Two types of people become happy on this day. First one is those who have not any children. And the second one is those who have lost their parents.

Once, a child said, “I spent 846 days in foster Care and I am now adopted, it is the best thing of my life.” Hearing this, it can be presumed that how much the child who lives in foster care want to be adopted.

4 Reasons Why Adoption Day Is necessary

One of the purposes of observing national adoption day is to create awareness for the foster care children. But there are many benefits of adoption. The day represents all the positive views of adoption. Only the children who live in foster care can understand the value of this day.

Why Adoption Day Is necessary

Foster care children can lead a general life getting their daily needs. But they do not get the happiness that a normal child gets with parents. However, let’s see what is the importance of observing the national adoption day.

1. The child gets a better life: Every child needs love and care from parents. In our society, no child can be a good human in his/her life without the touch of mother. In foster care, the child cannot feel the real happiness. To make them feel special and give them a good life, adoption day is needed.

2. Social Awareness: In many communities, adoption is still unpredictable. Many people don’t accept adoption for religious false belief and superstition. So, it is important to remove all these illusions and the positive view of adoption should come across.

3. Safe Homes and Neighborhoods: The foster care authority monitors if the adopting family has a proper house to live. Thus, the child gets a safe and stable home with a good neighborhood. A study says that 75% of adopted children live in a house with no characteristics of poor physical condition.

4. Increase opportunity: The birth mother makes the decision of adopt or may have faced an unplanned pregnancy. On the contrary, the adopting family has been prepared to take a baby for years. Adoption gives the birth mother to be financially stable and be able to take a baby.

Related to: World Orphan’s Day

National Adoption Day Wishes

There is a question of why is purple known as the symbol of Adoption day. Nowadays, it is noticeable that many children are being addicted to drugs and crime. That’s because they don’t get proper guideline and care from family. That’s a red alert for our society and country. In response of saving the child from being evil, we must increase the observance of National Adoption Day.

Adoption Day Wishes

Wishes, images, quotes, slogans and messages can be shared as a part of celebrating this day. Here are some wishes for National Adoption Day 2023.

  • There is no such thing as a genuine mother or an adopted mother; there is only one mother who loves you with all her heart.
  • You are going to be incredible parents. Your new baby is fortunate to have you, and you are fortunate to have him or her. Congratulations on a happy adoption day to you.
  • There need to be more individuals like you in the world who will unconditionally adore their adopted child. Happy adoption day!
  • We can’t tell you how thrilled we are for both you and your entire family. I wish you and your young family the best of luck. Happy adoption day
  • No children in this world is unwanted, it is just that he has not yet found his family
  • Adoption is when a child grows in the heart of a mother and not in her body. Best wishes to you on this special day
  • You don’t become a parent by bearing a child but you become a parent when you begin to witness a child grow, participate with him in everyday things and share your life with him

National Adoption Day Quotes

  • There are no unwanted children, just unfound families — National Adoption Center
  • Adoptees deserve open records because deception and partial truths do not set us free ― DaShanne Stokes
  • It’s illegal to deny people their records due to race or gender. Adoptees deserve the same rights and protections ― DaShanne Stokes
  • Every child deserves a home and love — Dave Thomas
  • There were wrenching moments. I say to everybody, ‘Adoption is not for the faint of heart. Adoption was a bumpy ride, very bumpy. But, God was it worth the fight — Mariska Hargitay
  • The world may not change if you adopt a child, but for that child their world will change
  • We look at adoption as a very sacred exchange. It was not done lightly on either side. I would dedicate my life to this child — Jamie Lee Curtis
  • Adoption is a redemptive response to tragedy that happens in the broken world — Katie J. Davis
  • It always seems impossible until it’s done – Nelson Mandela
  • My birth mother brought me into this world, but it was my adoptive parents who gave me life – Christina Romo

Adoption day activities

The adoption system is like a blessing for both adoptees and parents. On the adoption day, the most valuable thing that can be done is adoption. But not everyone needs children. But you can do something better to make this day for the foster child. Either you adopt from an orphanage or foster child that doesn’t matter. The matter is you are giving a better world to the child.

Inspire people to adopt: Many people are confused about adopting due to personal or family problems. You can inspire them and make them decide to adopt a child for them. The child will get a family and the family will get a child.

Adoption day activities

Take part in any event: There are many official and unofficial organizations which held any event on the adoption day. In only USA, there are 300 different events held on this day. You can simply take part in any event to observe the day.

Visit foster child: It will be pretty moment for the child if you go to visit them. You can know about their needs by spending some time with them.

Some FAQs about National Adoption Day

Q: What is the purpose of national adoption day celebration?

A: To create awareness about adopting child.

Q: What is the day called when you are adopted?

A: It will be called ‘Gotcha Day’.

Q: What is an adoptive mom called?

A: There is no specific term for that. But you can simply call ‘Mom’

Q: What is the symbol for adoption?

A: A triangle intertwined with a heart.

Q: What do we call an adopted daughter?

A: Adoptee.

Q: What is the color for adoption?

A: Purple is the color for adoption.