World Orphans Day

World Orphans Day 2023 – November 13, History, Wishes & Quotes

In 2023, November 13 will be observed as the World Orphans Day. Almost every country observes this day as a national day. There are two types of orphans we can see-Absence of Mother/Father and Absence of both. The orphan goes through many difficulties. Especially the hunger problem hurts them most. Though there are many orphanages you will see but that is not sufficient for the huge number of orphans in our world.

The purpose of observing the world orphans day is to increase awareness for orphans in our society. Many projects and goals have been taken for orphans. They can be human resources for the country if appropriate actions are taken. The Star Foundation is working most for the orphans of the world. They have taken some steps and working with the United Nation to ensure them a good life to lead.

What is Orphan? A child will be called an orphan if he has lost his parents or he is not cherished by his parents. A good percentage of the whole population is orphan and the number is increasing day by day.

When is World Orphans Day?

This year, the Orphan day is Monday. Basically, International Orphans Day is observed on the second Monday of November month. This year, the second Monday is 13th November. But in next year, 2024, it will be observed in November 11. This day is for the orphans of the world. People of all the countries should know about this day as it is duty for us to take care of the orphans.

2021November 8Monday
2022November 14Monday
2023November 13Monday
2024November 11Monday

Not all the countries observe the Orphan day on the same date. In Egypt, Orphan’s Day is observed on the first Friday of April month. They have started celebrating it since 2004. Many organizations in Egypt arrange functions to show dignity for this day.

orphan's day

World Orphans Day History

From the early age, people are aware for orphans. If you read the history, you will know that the first orphanage was established 400 AD. It is concerned that, orphans don’t meet with their basic human rights. They struggle for food every day. They are deprived from education, shelter, medical treatment, dress and what a man needs to lead a normal life.

At the time of industrial revolution, there were many changes in our society. Many families were broke down. Thus, the number of orphans was increasing highly. England, Germany, USA and many well-developed country thought about orphans. Many orphanages were built that time. But it was not possible to provide good life for all the orphans.

The Romans have thought of the Orphans first. Also, the Greeks made a great contribution to the orphan-life development. Many rules had been adapted to take care of the orphans. In 1900, England formulated a few rules for orphans in their constitution.

In recent times, the Star Foundation has been working hard for orphans. The World Orphans Day was first observed by them in 2006. They are funding and making decisions to make the orphan’s life better. They are working to create awareness for orphans in our minds. They understand that without people’s awareness, orphans cannot have a good life. The partners of the United Nations Sustainable Goals Initiative have promised to achieve ending hunger by 2030.

Why We Should Observe World Orphans Day

There are a huge number of orphans in the world. But the most unsatisfying fact is 99% of them are never adopted.

Orphans are not a nation-wide problem but a worldwide problem. But by taking proper steps, they can be good manpower for the country. Because among the huge number of orphans, you will definitely find some talented children. That’s why every year, the second Monday of November is observed as International Orphan’s Day.

world orphan day

It is not important how a child becomes an orphan. War, natural disasters, accidents, poverty, and many other reasons can be hidden to make a child an orphan. Have you ever seen an orphan lifestyle? If you have seen you must understand the pain that they go. In most of the countries, orphans lead unhealthy, unprotected, and misguided life.

The worst part is, many orphans become drug addicted. They fall in recidivism to collect their money to buy drugs. They steal, they snatch for money. Among them, some go deep and becomes killer. It is important to take some rules for the orphans. Otherwise they will be misused by the culprits.

Orphans of Europe and America may live a good life after adoption. But in south Asia, they don’t even get their daily needs. That should be notice by the United Nations. Though they are working but that is not enough. Only public awareness can be the solution.

Why World Orphans Day is important?

The main purpose of observing the World National Day is to create awareness among all the people. Because, it is not possible for government alone to control the orphans. Both the government and general people have to work together for the orphans to give them a good-guided life.

We have to make the mindset that orphans are treasure for us. If we work for them they can lead a good life and be beneficial for the country. Observing the World Orphans day creates awareness about orphans among the general mass. Many organizations like the UN and WHO is working for continuously for orphans to offer them a good life to lead.

observe orphan day

Day by day, it is spreading and many people and organization are being interested to work for the orphans. Donating for them is the best part of observing the day. Without donation the orphanage will not be able to continue. Though there are some governmental orphanages but the number of non-governmental orphanages is more.

Inspirational Quotes for Orphans

Orphans deserve to hear some sweet words from the world. Their happiness depends on the rest of the people of the world. Some great personalities have talked about the orphans. Their sayings are inspiration for us to work for them.

  • Orphans should be placed under the care of public guardians – Plato
  • The women laughed and wept; the crowd stamped their feet enthusiastically, for at that moment Quasimodo was really beautiful. He was handsome — this orphan, this foundling, this outcast – Victor Hugo
  • If your brother can’t ‘old ‘is own against a bunch of orphans, ‘e’d best leave off playing ‘azard altogether – Sheri Cobb South
  • Dead mothers are rather fashionable these days. They lend such an attractive air of tragedy – Heidi Schulz
  • When you lose your parents as a child, you are indoctrinated into a club, you’re taken into life’s severest confidence, you are undeceived — Hilary Thayer Hamann
  • We can point the finger at adults for the stupid decisions they make in life, but an orphaned child can never be blamed for the situation in which they find themselves — Kevin Ansbro
  • It is not a good honor to disrespect an orphan, because they once had a family like yours – Unknown
  • There are many in the world dying for a piece of bread, but there is many more dying for a little love -Mother Teresa

World Orphans Day Wishes

Sharing wishes with each other is a part of observing the day. It is a proof that you show sympathy for the orphans. Wishes can be shared on social media as status; to you friends, father, mother and loving ones. World Orphans day greetings and messages are a good option to make awareness.

  • The earth reveals its innocence through the smiles of children. A very warm wish for all the children on this special day. Happy Orphan’s Day to you
  • On this very special day, let us all celebrate the innocence and purity of our kids. Wish you happy world orphans day
  • I do not believe in a religion that cannot wipe out the widow’s tears and bring a piece of bread to the orphan’s mouth. World orphans day
  • Mother, Even though, I’m missing you. I’m fortunate, I’m fortunate, that I have no selfishness. I’ve nothing to gain and nothing to lose. Wish you a happy World orphans day
  • What sad faces one always sees in the asylums for orphans! It is more fatal to neglect the heart than the head

How to observe Orphan’s day

College and University Rallies, Prayer Vigils, Motorcycle or Bicycle Rides, 5 km Walks, Concerts, are just a few of the many ideas that you can implement in your community to observe the world orphans day. But there are many things outside these for this day.

Spending some time with orphans: You can visit an orphanage to see their lifestyle, their activity and situation. It will help you to understand their struggles and make your mind precious for them.

Donate: There are many orphanages that are dependent on donation. Some organizations or individuals are donating for the orphanage to make their life better. You can involve yourself in donation.

Join any organization that works for orphans: This day gives you a chance to work for the orphans. You will not see them every day in the street. Work for them so that they can lead a life like you.

Buy cloths to orphan: An orphan goes through poverty as they are dependent to someone. Some charity or organizations are working for them and providing their daily needs. But do you think it is efficient for them? Visit to any orphanage and buy them some cloths.

Facts about World orphans day

  • There are above 153 million orphans in our world – UNICEF – 2017.
  • There are more than 53.1 million orphans in Sub Sahara Africa alone
  • 99% Orphans remain un-adopted.
  • In Africa, 2,102,400 children become orphans every year.
  • Every year 400,000 orphans die of malnutrition
  • A child becomes orphan in every 19 seconds
  • There are 20 million orphans in India.

The orphans are a part of our society but they are deprived from their rights. Only governmental steps cannot give them a proper life. You, I and everyone of our society should work together to do something for the orphans. The best and easy thing you can do from your place is donating.